Music Action Camp
Educational fun is what we call it. Our Camps happen during the holidays and are from 6:30am till
5:30pm. Parents can drop their kids before work and pick them up again after work. Kids here go through a number of exciting activities, obstacle courses and games that keep them entertained through-out the day for an entire week.
Activities range from, band sessions, cook with-uncleTye session, soccer, netball, tug of war, obstacle courses, art and craft, and we are
adding personal and financial development programs to these camps where kids can overall have a great time and grow holistically at the same time.
These camps are aimed at participating in activities that open their eyes to who they can be and
who they already are. We motivate and inspire them through different interactions and techniques
and bring them to an understanding that they can succeed in life. We get them to find their
passions and discover their potentials through these fun holiday camps.

Recitals, Competitions, and performances
Every academic year-end, we host a school recital, competition, showcase and sporting event to showcase the newly acquired skills that our students possess. We either do it separately as a Treble Clef Music and Arts Academy Event, or we work in conjunction with schools’ drama clubs
during their
Christmas or year-end plays or with other extra-murals to build a healthy competitive
environment and event. It is a power packed, beautiful, family bonding experience each time. Events such as battle of the bands, Soccer Jams, Art and craft exhibitions are always something to look forward to for the family.
Coupled with great music, fun games, on the spot prizes to be won, these Family-Fun-days are super fun for each member of the family and create an awesome ending to the year.